How Can You Make an Impact at Your Next Job Interview?

Mainframe Expert
4 min readMar 27, 2023


How Can You Make an Impact at Your Next Job Interview?

Job interviews are becoming more competitive in many professions and IT staffing agencies. It’s possible that you have the necessary educational background, an outstanding resume, and perhaps a charming personality. But at a job interview, it’s possible that many other applicants will as well.

What then can you do to set yourself apart from the competition? How can you demonstrate that you are willing to go above and beyond and that you both deserve and desire the job more than your competitors? Here are several job interview tips for doing just that, many of them are based on true stories.

Put your spin on it

Following job interview questions, getting in touch with your prospective employer and IT staffing services will help you stand out as the candidate who makes a good impression. An easy method to accomplish this is to write a handwritten message of gratitude after the interview. It’s a traditional courtesy that, if executed correctly, is likely to be welcomed; even better, it gives you another opportunity to introduce yourself to a possible employer. Making references to specific passages from the discourse demonstrates your active participation all along the way.

Know the industry better than anybody else.

The top advice to candidates is to ensure you have done extensive research on the business. Be prepared for the interview by being aware of the company’s mission statement, comprehending its target market, and being an expert on the company’s past. The interviewer might inquire about your knowledge of the industry at some point; if you are unable to do so, it suggests that you are uninterested in the chance. It is simple to perform research using the business’ website, trade periodicals, and current personnel. (if you know any). The interviewer gets the sense that you are interested in the position, have taken the time to plan, and care about the outcome if you are prepared and can demonstrate that you are.

Be on time for your interview.

Prepare yourself before entering the building by getting there early. To unwind and enhance your mindset, adopt good breathing methods and listen to music. Go over the questions and answers you’ll be presenting to the interviewer in your notes. Refer to your notes while you formulate the interviewer’s queries and responses. By using this technique, you can increase your chances of finding employment while showcasing your experience.

Highlight your areas of strength and growth.

If you think the interviewer could bring it up, make a list of your strengths and flaws and bring it with you. To determine your top abilities that are relevant to the position you are interviewing for, review your CV and the job description. Demonstrate how your skills could improve your performance and help the company achieve its objectives. The quality of your response demonstrates how well you prepared for the interview.

Describe your achievements.

Describe the outcomes you have achieved for the organizations you have worked for. Discuss how your strengths led to your past triumphs. Stress the plan you’ll utilize to expand on your achievements and what you can do to assist the company in achieving better outcomes. Even if you’ve had great success, show that you’re still dedicated to improvement to convey your forward-thinking attitude. If you have a plan for where the company will go in the future, an employer will be drawn to you.

Send them examples of prior works

Give the interviewer a hard copy of a project you worked on. Describe the significance of the project, the results you got, and how they affected the company. You could send them a link if it’s only available online. Make a website where you may store all of your previous attempts to improve your strategy.

Give a 30- 60- 90-day plan.

Outline for the interviewer the outcomes you hope to achieve in the first 30, 60, and 90 days of the position. Describe your plan for acquiring the abilities you’ll need to succeed in your role over each of these periods and how it connects to the performance of your department. Include your strengths and how you may use them to achieve the goals you have set for yourself. Examine the job description and make a note of the interviewer’s requirements.

Ask innovative questions

To assist you to decide if this is the correct job for you, ask the interviewer specific questions. Companies like receiving inquiries since they show you are interested in learning about crucial facets of the role. Ask only questions about the responsibilities and specifications of the position. Before bringing a list of questions to the interview, be sure the interviewers are interested in knowing more about your credentials and experience.

Pay attention to your body language.

To show that you have the interviewer’s full attention, sit up straight and make eye contact. Pay attention to the interviewer’s cues if they indicate that making eye contact is not preferred. These cues show that you are communicating with the interviewer and that you are eager to learn what they have to say. Inhale deeply to be calm and focus on the interviewer while you react to their questions.

Participate in an upbeat conversation.

Discuss your hobbies and extracurricular activities with the interviewer in brief. This chat shows that you are making an attempt to connect with them on a genuine level. Keep expressing your interest in the position.

Reiterate your interest

When the interview is complete and thank the interviewer for their time. If the interviewer wants to talk to you more, they should provide you with more details regarding the next steps. Send a follow-up email 24 to 48 hours after the interview to highlight the information you gained there and to request an update on your application.

Use these strategies whether you’re interviewing first or last, and you’ll be more memorable and stand out in whatever job interview you attend!



Mainframe Expert

HI, I'm a mainframe expert with over 13 years of experience in the industry. I'm passionate about helping others to learn about mainframe technology.