Businesses Benefit From Remote Work

Mainframe Expert
4 min readOct 12, 2022


Businesses Benefit From Remote Work
Business benefits from remote work

For years, business experts have emphasized the advantages of remote employment. Their vision of the future included a lot of video conferencing, cloud communication, and flexible work schedules. These specialists didn’t account for a worldwide epidemic in their estimates, but COVID hastened the transition to remote labor. Although the advantages of remote work for individuals have received considerable attention, it is also important to consider the advantages for organizations. According to research, telecommuting may increase attendance and productivity. Employers can cut costs in a variety of ways while also improving recruitment at the same time. The popularity of telecommuting has sparked much debate about the advantages of working from home for employees, but it is important to emphasize that this is not a one-way path. Employers stand to gain significantly from implementing remote teams as well, providing they do so with careful planning and competent administration (provided those teams have a productive workspace at home).

These IT hubs might soon become obsolete as the advantages of remote work gain traction.

There are now 400% more remote workers than there were ten years ago. 73% of all teams will include remote workers over the next eight years, according to Upwork. All industries are embracing remote work.

In this article, we examine how work-from-home agreements can be advantageous for businesses by outlining the precise advantages that businesses can gain from remote employment.

● The talent pool you have access to when employing staff is constrained by conventional office working arrangements. You might find the ideal applicant for a position, but if they can’t commute to your office or are unwilling to move, you’re out of luck.

● Your talent pool greatly grows by providing remote employment opportunities. Now, you have a much wider population from which to choose the appropriate applicant. Additionally, it’s simpler to locate individuals with specialized skill sets, such as mastery of a given language or familiarity with a particular piece of software.

● The environment is impacted by large manufacturers and oil firms; so is your little business. Work commutes, office supplies, energy consumption inside buildings, and facility upkeep account for a large portion of this impact. You can cut emissions, consume fewer resources, save energy, and have a less negative environmental impact by allowing employees to work from home.

● Due to less stress and more freedom to handle health issues, remote employees also have better mental and physical health than their office-based colleagues. When given the option to work remotely, employees are less likely to forgo regular checkups for preventative care and more likely to get immediate medical attention for problems. Additionally, they stay away from shared spaces at work where germs might spread.

● This translates to fewer absences from work and fewer days lost to illness or fatigue for business owners.

● Productivity gains are a significant way that firms are profiting from remote employment. While this goes against the expectations of many when telecommuting first became practical, the boost can be attributed to several factors, such as fewer workplace interruptions, a better work/life balance, more sleep, and higher morale. A two-year Stanford University study that divided a group of 500 workers into two groups — one working in the office and the other from home — is one of the most significant studies on this topic to date. The productivity increase from working from home during the study duration was equal to an extra full workday.

● From the viewpoint of an employee, it’s simple to understand the advantages of remote work: skipping the drive and donning pajamas instead of business attire are just a couple. Although less evident, the advantages for employers are no less substantial. According to studies and personal experience, business owners profit from flexible work arrangements at least as much as their staff members do.

● Technology for a busy workplace might be expensive to provide. After all, you would need to spend money on a variety of things, such as computers, printers, photocopiers, paper, workstations, ergonomic chairs, and much more. Many of these expenses can be removed or greatly reduced when remote work is available.

● For instance, allowing employees to use their smartphones and laptops in many workplaces significantly lowers associated costs. Resources like paper will no longer be used as much. Even in cases when desks and chairs must be provided, it may not be necessary to purchase them for every employee because some may already own them.

Things like cybersecurity, teamwork, and new hire onboarding could become more difficult when done remotely. However, the effort is ultimately profitable due to improved production and quality, cost savings, and staff retention. You can start reaping the benefits of remote working by overcoming the technical and cultural barriers by collaborating with a third-party service provider.

The complexity of it all (how to pay remote workers, how to evaluate their work, etc.) and the worry that they won’t be able to sustain their high level of corporate engagement are common arguments given by employers for not using remote workers.

However, a lot of individuals think it’s a trend that’s worth embracing and that remote work is the future. The ability to work remotely has never been easier because of tools like Trello, which keeps teams organized, and cutting-edge technology like interactive screens, which connect to workers’ devices to keep everyone on task.

Many businesses will follow the trend of remote working during the next few years, and many have already done so. Why not add some remote workers to your team if you believe that the advantages of remote working for businesses benefit you? It might be the finest move moving ahead for your business!



Mainframe Expert

HI, I'm a mainframe expert with over 13 years of experience in the industry. I'm passionate about helping others to learn about mainframe technology.